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和名未定 / Bathynarius izuensis Komai & Takeda, 2004
Anomura MacLeay, 1838 / 異尾下目
Paguroidea Latreille, 1802 / ヤドカリ上科 (5科 68属 452種)
Diogenidae Ortmann, 1892 / ヤドカリ科 (15属 200種)
Bathynarius Forest, 1989 / Bathynarius属 (1種)
- Bathynarius izuensis Komai & Takeda, 2004
- Bathynarius izuensis Komai & Takeda, 2004
Bathynarius Forest, 1989 / Bathynarius属 (1種)
Diogenidae Ortmann, 1892 / ヤドカリ科 (15属 200種)
Paguroidea Latreille, 1802 / ヤドカリ上科 (5科 68属 452種)
学名:Bathynarius izuensis Komai & Takeda, 2004
Color in life (Fig. 1A). Carapace, abdomen, telson and fifth pereopods entirely white. Ocular peduncle generally reddish orange, but with large white patch of white on distal half of dorsal surface; ocular acicles also reddish orange. Antennular peduncle with white ultimate segment, basal 2 segments with tinge of orange. Antennal peduncle light orange generally; flagellum becoming reddish distally. Chela generally reddish orange, with patch of white proximally on dorsal, lateral and ventromesial surfaces, and fingers becoming white toward base of corneous claw; spines on dactylus and palm paler; carpus reddish orange in distal two-thirds, white in proximal one-third; merus reddish orange in distal half and white in proximal half; ischium white, but with tint of orange ventrally. Second and third pereopods banded with reddish orange and white; dactyli generally reddish orange, with narrow white band basally; propodi reddish orange in distal four-fifth and white in proximal onefifth; carpi reddish orange in distal three-fourth and white in remainder, with white blotch dorsodistally; meri reddish orange in distal twothirds, remainder white, with white patch distoventrally; ischia with tint of orange distally on lateral face. Fourth pereopod also banded with reddish orange and white; propodus white with some orange patches; carpus orange in distal half and white in proximal half; merus orange in distal two-thirds and white in proximal one-third.
- 北海道(北)
- 北海道(西)
- 北海道(南)
- 東北(西)
- 東北(東)
- 北陸
- 房総
- 伊豆
- 八丈島
- 小笠原
- 東海
- 若狭湾
- 南紀
- 山陰
- 瀬戸内海
- 四国
- 対馬
- 九州
- 屋久島
- 奄美
- 沖縄本島
- 宮古島
- 石垣島
- 西表島
- 海外
- 陸上
- 水深0-2m
- 水深2-10m
- 水深10-30m
- 水深30-100m
- 水深100m以深
- 1-2月
- 3-4月
- 5-6月
- 7-8月
- 9-10月
- 11-12月
- 日中
- 夜間
- 河口(汽水)
- 海岸(岸辺)
- 海草(藻場)
- 磯(サンゴ)
- ガレ場(礫)
- 海底(泥砂)
- 洞窟(岩穴)
RECORD Bathynarius izuensis Komai & Takeda, 2004
エリアと条件等をクリックして追跡遭遇レコードを共有しよう! ※レコード参加にはマイログへのログインが必要です
Komai, T.; Takeda, M. (2004). Two new deepwater species of hermit crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Paguroidea) from Japan. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, series A (Zoology). 30(3): 113-127.
WoRMS : Bathynarius izuensis Komai & Takeda, 2004
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